Some common allergy tests include Skin Prick Test, Skin Patch Test, Blood Test etc. Blood Test is highly recommended as only Blood Test can check delayed IgG Sensitivity, while other tests focus on immediate-onset IgE allergy.
What is allergy?
Allergies occur when the immune system overreact to harmless substances in the environment. Among four types of allergies, IgE allergy and IgG sensitivity are becoming increasingly common and greatly affect our daily lives. Immediate-onset IgE Allergy When allergies are mentioned, …
What is Allergy Test?
Allergy tests generally come in three types: Skin Prick Test, Skin Patch Test and Blood Test. – Skin Prick Test: Place a drop of solution containing an allergen on the non-eczema skin, and gently pricks or scratches the skin to ….
Allergy Test Procedures
Microarray-based ELISA is one of the quickest methods for the measurement of IgG antibodies for over 220 foods. Step 1: Blood Collection – Collect blood (2ml by syringe / 300 µl by finger prick method) from the donor Step 2: …
Important Notes on Allergy Test
Many factors in our living environment are influencing our health condition apart form allergens. To stay away from the struggle of allergy, it is recommended to seek doctor’s consultation and report explanation after conducting allergy test …